2021-08-25 Meeting Minutes Electromate


  • What do we need to give Electromate for them to support us in motor selection?

General Notes

  • watch out for leadtimes - 6-8 weeks standard

  • want some preliminary values for torque and weight of arm current

  • STATIC IS FINE - just get current

  • back driving is huge issue

  • difficulty testing

  • dont need IK for electromate calculations

  • torque and speed, nominal voltage, mass AND GEARING

  • single stage gearing is ideal


  • cost - 15 - 20% discount only (might not make it)

  • get rough numbers ASAP - end of the week - everyone

  • camera to measure the wheel rotation to find torque

New Tasks

  • get the required values to Gleason by the end of this week
  • Austin will be emailing Gleason