2022-03-29 Mechanical Meeting Minutes

Meeting Participants

Meeting Participants

@Emily Adam

@Austin Tailon Huang

@Max Apitz-Grossman
















General Announcements

  • Midterm bay inspection will be on Friday April 1st at 3pm

    • Please keep the bay clean and tidy before this date!

  • If you are going into the bay, please sign the sign in sheet!!

  • McMaster-Carr order anyone?

Drivetrain - Updates

Drivetrain Integration


  • @Emily Adam


  • Assembled differential bar, suspension, and some of the wheel modules on to the chassis


  • Missing parts for the remaining wheel assemblies

  • Minor parts need to get remade on gimbal plate and chassis

  • New wheel hubs need to be printed

Weekly Retrospect

Finish WHOLE drivetrain assembly! Mar 26, 2022

Weekly Targets

Finish WHOLE drivetrain assembly! Apr 3, 2022


Wheel Connection


  • @Asha Mills Emmett


  • Assembled A0030 until we ran out of McMaster-Carr brackets → Chan, Josh, Zia, Elizabeth!


  • Missing McMaster Carr brackets (Emily only bought half of what was needed ) → anyone need anything?

  • Need to print the remaining 3/6 set of hubs

Weekly Retrospect

Army print remaining wheel hubs in PETG @Asha Mills EmmettMar 25, 2022
Print new test encoder housing @Emily AdamMar 25, 2022
Assemble remaining encoders to motors @Emily AdamMar 26, 2022
Print spacers, P0287, P0288 @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 25, 2022
Finish assembly!! Mar 26, 2022

Weekly Targets

Print new test encoder housing @Emily AdamApr 1, 2022
Assemble remaining encoders to motors @Emily AdamApr 1, 2022
Finish assembly!! Apr 3, 2022



  • @Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated) @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan




  • N/A

Weekly Retrospect

(link previous weeks updates here)

Weekly Targets

Differential Bar


  • @Emily Adam


  • Fully assembled! (minus some jam nuts)


  • Pick up EMS fasteners @Emily Adam

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets



  • @Max Apitz-Grossman


  • Added to the chassis


  • Pick up EMS fasteners @Emily Adam

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

Drivetrain - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Drivetrain - Known Issues

Arm - Updates

Arm Integration

Axis 1

Axis 2

Axis 3

Axis 4

Axis 5/6

O-Drive Enclosures

Arm - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Arm Known Issues

Science Updates

Science Integration

Drill Bit Module

Dirt Read Head Module

Elevator Modules

Test Tube Module

Base Frame

Science - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Science - Known Issues

Electrical Box - Updates

Electrical Box - High Level Goals

Active Goals

End Effector - Updates

End Effector - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Gimbal/Vision - Updates

Wrist Camera

Gimbal/Vision - High Level Goals

Active Goals

LED Matrix - Updates

LED Matrix - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Battery Mount - Updates

Battery Mount - High Level Goals

Active Goals

E-Stop - Updates

E-Stop - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Comms - Updates

Comms - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Other Updates

  • Bay safety updates? @Allen Loukiantchenko

    • Gotta message graeme


Roles to be assigned:

  • Comms. verification + potential rework
