2021-04-30 Meeting Minutes - Arm - Final Concept
2021-04-30 Meeting Minutes - Arm - Final Concept
Axis 1
Medina's concept with the low profile bearing and belt drive.
- plan for further reduction via cycloidal gearbox or planetary gear-set or something else
- where is encoder mounted?
- tensioning?
- spec high quality bearing
Axis 2
Cycloidal drive + belt drive
- prototyping! metal, little value in 3d printing
- belt drive after the cycloidal drive
- back drive-able
Link 2
2 sides, symmetrical (not necessarily same pieces) space for transmission
- space for a cycloidal drive in the middle of link to power A3
- belt from cycloidal drive to A3
Axis 3
Cycloidal drive
- with belt
- see Link 2
Axis 4
Cycloidal drive
- Coaxial with L3 & L4 motor behind A3, long shaft to get the rotation.
Axis 5 & Axis 6
stacked on top of each other
- both axis motors on the inside of the L4
- L6 inside/ontop of L5
- Miter gear inside of L5 to drive A6
- Belts from motors go into L5 for both motors
Link Lengths
l2 : 500mm
l3: 500mm
L5/L6: negligible, as short as possible