2021-01-19 Meeting Minutes - General
2021-01-19 Meeting Minutes - General
- Revamping the Drivetrain (*Try to stay comfortably within 90 A, new battery rated for 90 A*
Lower current if possible)
- Switch the arm motors to harmonic drive gearboxes
- Fix the 2021 Rover assemblies
- Force-sensitive claws
Update & Action Items
Member (Tasks in black refer to both members) | Update | Action Items |
Asha ME, Emily A |
Jasmine M, Rehnuma T |
Mathieu H, Austin(?) |
Jasmine M |
Ethan C |
Abdul H |
Austin H |
Rehnuma |
New Tasks
Task | Name |
SAR Video | Austin, Jasmine (after main e-box design done) |
Force-sensing claws | Shreshth Mehra |
Drivetrain revamp | Medina Colabrese Max Apitz-Grossman Emily Adam |
Fixing 2021 CAD | Alaina (?) |
Harmonic drive | Emily Adam |
Battery | Ethan, Rehnuma, austin after SAR |
New mechanism design | |
General Notes
SAR update
- This week and next week we will continue to focus on assembly of subsystems. Communication is key right now, keep people updated with parts or anything else you need to complete your work.
- Mathieu went into the bay on Monday and Tuesday to grab parts as needed
- Continue to make video suggestions:
Project Update Slides
- Starting this week, weekly updates regarding mechanism/project progress will have their own slide
- This will replace individual update slides
- Better way of organizing all the information regarding one project, especially when the project involves multiple members