2020-08-04 Meeting Minutes - General

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items

Andrew T.

  • Working on ->
  • New arm pcb integration design
    • Tony will message Kyle and figure out if we really need a frame or if we can go with 2 different board designs
  • Connector hub for TQ motor configuration

Andrew Z.

  • Worked on frame (one of two frame subassemblies done)
    • When done, push under GrabCAD\UWRT_2020\Documentation\Rover Simulation Models
  • Continue working on frame
  • Work on arm (?)


  • 4-Wheel CAD
    • Figure out meeting time for this week
  • Working on: Hub attachment 
  • Welding document 
  • Science camera mount


  • Drivetrain falling math
  • Beam bending reading
  • Science CAD fixes (elevator height etc)
  • Drivetrain material properties etc


  • ANSYS works (sort of, on hamachi server)
  • Drawings of possible claw hex design
  • More possible designs / ideas for claw hex key
    • Create CAD (<-- meeting later)
  • Look for premade, smaller torque couplers
  • Fix up the fasteners in the claw


  • Printing Motor testing jig (8/10) parts done
  • Began dynamic analysis for rover falling on 2 tires

Drivetrain work

  • Define drivetrain constraints and requirements in system doc
  • Finish reading unidirectional composite material properties, estimate structural member sizes
  • Design a 3-D printed motor housing
  • Finish alternate design using ILM 115X25
  • Source and purchase appropriate power resistor for Odrive
  • Flash Odrive firmware st-link on disco board; also probably need to configure based on the encoder being used
  • Tire energy methods FBD
  • Fix assembly mates for hub attachment

Claw re-work

  • Allen key attachment friction-torque calculation
  • Finish flexure design

Documentation / Support work

  • Editing TQ meeting document so it’s readable for everyone
  • Start new ordering sheet; add good slip-ring to ordering sheet

Misc work

  • Set-up Solidworks PDM / SQL 2014
  • Make a typical manufacturing tolerances table


  • Can't make meeting. Haven't been up to much, just messing around with 3D printing techniques 
  • Finalize e-box connector panel  
    • Meet w/ david → Waiting on kyle from electrical? 
  • 3D-Printing
    • Print & test some parts


  • Laid out groundwork for stress/strain analysis for CF members
  • Finalize science PCB plan & put into CAD
  • Finalize stress/strain research once I receive values from Asha


  • Redesigned bottom plate for science to have mount for PiCam
  • Experimented with topological optimization and generative design for PiCam bracket mount
  • Researched alternative materials for e-box
  • Have meeting with Cole about e-box connectors
  • Finalize layout for e-box components
  • Re-design bottom plate for science to have mount for science
  • Looking for more work (drivetrain/looking for something more technical) - hopefully something I can finish by September