2020-06-16 Meeting Minutes - General

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items


  • Working on -->
  • Arm & motor controller pcb integration onto arm
  • Brainstorm/cad hub motor attachment


  • Working on 1 & 2
  • Weight of joints for 6-wheel design 
  • CAD based on Tony’s FBD 
  • Figure out how to attach hub motor  
  • Treads?
  • Chain on science (postponed)  


  • Found useful doc for wheel deformation
  • Member training part 1 (tonight)
  • Finished science CAD updates
  • Drivetrain - wheel deformation modeling
  • Motor calculations


  • Rover calculation locations found
  • Gimbal(added 9g servo), started redesign on both pitch and roll
  • Camera now aligned with axis
  • New servo replacement found
  • Battery box (research into how other people make them)
  • Change gimbal sled to be a two piece part
  • Design review for Gimbal


  • CAD prelim wheel hub and sketch
  • Added socket head cap screws based on spaenaur catalog
  • Read some stuff about set-screws
  • Catch up on projects initiated by Lance, made some plans
  • Deliver FBD crayola CAD to Alaina
  • Make sure EE validates slip-ring
  • Define drivetrain constraints and requirements in system doc
  • Email sponsors to recover as much as possible
  • Review prelim drive train wheel with Nathan M (everyone welcome)
  • Sort out E-box wiring, use info to order connectors
  • Finish reading unidirectional composite material properties, estimate structural member sizes


  • Source & CAD new wrist slip ring
  • E-box lid design
  • Design e-box connector panel (waiting on elec)
  • Integrate new slip ring (quick change to a printed part)
  • Review lid design with… ?
  • Any more arm work for me Tony?


  • Created a rough version of hub connection from rocker to chassis
  • Worked on PCB integration with science mech
  • Continue to finalize integration with science mech


General Notes

  • New members are getting set up for training