2021-08-31 Meeting Minutes - Arm


Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items
Austin Tailon Huang 
  • Reached out to SKF about Kaydon Bearings (good options available spec wise, need to see whats going on with pricing)
  • Looked at bearing options in bay
  • Started bay organization
    • Imperial fasteners are almost organized, metric are unorganized
    • Currently just putting stuff into bins, will organize bins once everything is labelled
  • Updated testing page for prototype with some measured values Arm Prototype 1 Testing Results
  • Finish bay organization
  • Generate sketches for A1/A2 (after, A3/A4)
  • Finish testing arm when gripper interface is machined
  • Reached out to Sahil about the arm code
  • Started researching on coding the Arm on the Arduino Mega
  • Started Arm Training
  • Battery Selection - 48V

  • Antenna mounting
  • LED matrix mounting
  • finalize bucket part
  • where to mount it - (system meeting)
    • for motor selecion
    • using a servo - continous rotation
    • how to hook up with EE
  • design review?

  • keep working on controller
Ethan Cronier 
  • look at the testing curve

New Tasks

  • Battery Selection and Mounting
  • Gimbal mounting
  • Arm mounting
  • Science mechanism
  • Science mounting - find a new person
  • Ebox - Olabisi
  • Testing rig - Olabisi
  • LED matrix mounting - Jasmine
  • Antenna mounting - Jasmine

  • free fasteners? sponsorship reachout - Caleb


  • revise tensioning method - use screw for tensioning like A2

General Notes