2022-02-29 Mechanical Meeting Minutes

Meeting Participants

Meeting Participants

@Austin Tailon Huang

@Emily Adam

@Max Apitz-Grossman

@Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated)

@Arlo Symons

@chris kenneweg

@Gavin Mesz

@Jessica Farias Medina

@Kenneth Francis

@Kyle Ferrier

@Matthew Zhu

@Medina Colabrese

@taim al-dabbagh

@Thomas Valer

@zia formuly

General Announcements

Congrats to everyone finishing midterms!
Good luck to everyone who has upcoming midterms!

Drivetrain - Updates

Drivetrain Integration


  • @Emily Adam


  • Finished majority of chassis and suspension assembly

    • Slightly disassembled at the moment (wheel connections)

  • Full drivetrain/chassis CAD up to date.

  • ETA: Done by end of next week (March 11th)


  • Motor mount brackets from Demtool → arriving Friday!

  • Wheel hub prints → verification print, then fleet print at WatiMake

Weekly Retrospect


Weekly Targets

Build session at 12pm. Intended to build full DT minus the wheel hubs Mar 5, 2022 ? @Emily Adam(If you plan to attend the session, please @ yourself here!) @Max Apitz-Grossman

Wheel Connection


  • @Asha Mills Emmett


  • Sent updated MR22-DT-P0106 to Demtool to be machined

  • Drilled and tapped the new VP motor shafts to be swapped out with the current ones

  • Any other important updates


  • MR22-DT-P0106 being machined by Demtool → arrive this Friday!

Weekly Retrospect


Weekly Targets

Clean up CAD of wheel hubs → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 7, 2022
Do a verification print (in PETG) of the wheel hub set → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 4, 2022
Print remaining wheel hubs → @Emily AdamMar 8, 2022
Assemble everything minus integration into the wheel hubs @Emily Adam or @Asha Mills Emmett , Mar 5, 2022
Bare minimum: finish motor and gearbox assembly for FW to test with @Emily AdamMar 5, 2022



  • @Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated) @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan


  • Finished assembly! Minus comms stand plate


  • Modifications to MR22-DT-P0092

Weekly Retrospect

(link previous weeks updates here)

Finish modifications to P0092 and potentially P0090 → @Emily Adam
Get P0096 cut on the waterjet → @Emily Adam

Weekly Targets

Differential Bar


  • @Emily Adam


  • Fasteners have been ordered!

  • Only MR22-DT-P0035 left to machine


  • Hex stock shipped to the EMS store? Probably

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets



  • @Max Apitz-Grossman


  • Squeaky clean CAD

  • Mostly fully assembled

  • SKF bearings came in! Pressed into P0116, has yet to be reassembled


  • Retaining rings for chassis integration to be ordered from McMaster-Carr?

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

Drivetrain - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Arm - Updates

Arm Integration

Axis 1

Axis 2

Axis 3

Axis 4

Axis 5/6

O-Drive Enclosures

Arm - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Science Updates

Science Integration

Drill Bit Module

Dirt Read Head Module

Elevator Modules

Test Tube Module

Base Frame

Science - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Electrical Box - Updates

Electrical Box - High Level Goals

Active Goals

End Effector - Updates

End Effector - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Gimbal/Vision - Updates

Wrist Camera

Gimbal/Vision - High Level Goals

Active Goals

LED Matrix - Updates

LED Matrix - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Battery Mount - Updates

Battery Mount - High Level Goals

Active Goals

E-Stop - Updates

E-Stop - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Comms - Updates

Comms - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Other Updates

  • This section is free form. Please feel free to add any other updates you would like.

  • @Max Apitz-Grossman : Mars Lander?

    • concept completed, CAD mostly completed

    • Find absolute cheapest material lol

  • @connor starting the training

  • SAR