2021-11-07 Meeting Minutes - Drivetrain
2021-11-07 Meeting Minutes - Drivetrain
Review with Mentors Ping & Rishi → Tuesday, 8pm ET
- Review full assembly CAD & readiness to meet with mentors
- Review slip calcs and tread plan
Update & Action Items
Member | Update | Action Items |
Former user (Deleted) (Chassis) |
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Former user (Deleted) (Wheel connections) |
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Emily Adam (Differential bar) |
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Former user (Deleted) (Frame/structure) |
New Tasks
- Collect more accurate radius geometry of the wheel → Chan?
- Weigh wheels (and CF toob pls)
- SolidWorks sim → Andrew
- Treads → Emily
General Notes
- Currently sitting at ~25 kg without the versaplanetaries weight