2022-03-08 Mechanical Meeting Minutes

Meeting Participants

Meeting Participants

@Emily Adam

@Austin Tailon Huang

@Max Apitz-Grossman

@Ryan Chan

@Conall Kingshott

@Christopher James Kenneweg (Deactivated)

@Arlo Symons

@Elizabeth Jung

@Kenneth Francis

@Ryan Mark

@Olivia Zheng

@Thomas Valer

@Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated)

@Jasmine Milan





General Announcements

Congrats to everyone finishing midterms!
  • First hybrid meeting!

  • Welcome to our first in person meeting!

  • Safety captain - Assigned to Allen!

Drivetrain - Updates

Drivetrain Integration


  • @Emily Adam


  • Built as much as possible over the weekend, full build was not finished


  • Minor parts need to get remade on gimbal plate and chassis

  • Wheel connections need to be finished

Weekly Retrospect

Build session at 12pm. Intended to build full DT minus the wheel hubs Mar 5, 2022 ? @Emily Adam @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan@Arlo Symons@Taim Al-Dabbagh

Weekly Targets

Beginning of next week → assembly completed @Emily AdamMar 15, 2022
Second build session (complete drivetrain) Mar 12, 2022


Wheel Connection


  • @Asha Mills Emmett


  • Did test print of the hubs. The motor-gearbox assembly clears the edges of the hub, but is close

  • New motor mounting parts from demtool have arrived completed


  • Need wheel hub prints to finish wheel connection

Weekly Retrospect

Clean up CAD of wheel hubs → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 7, 2022
Do a verification print (in PETG) of the wheel hub set → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 4, 2022
Print remaining wheel hubs → @Emily AdamMar 8, 2022
Assemble everything minus integration into the wheel hubs @Emily Adam or @Asha Mills Emmett , Mar 5, 2022
Bare minimum: finish motor and gearbox assembly for FW to test with @Emily AdamMar 5, 2022

Weekly Targets

Finish printing wheel hub army: @Ryan Chan@Medina Colabrese@Olivia ZhengMar 11, 2022 (Use WatIMake, team printers, etc)
Finish motor mounting assembly Mar 11, 2022@Emily Adam
Modify and update the wheel hubs to accommodate new parts Mar 12, 2022



  • @Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated) @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan


  • Chassis has been built


  • Waterjet plate on top of comms stand needs to get reworked and waterjet, current size is too large

Weekly Retrospect

(link previous weeks updates here)

Have P0090, P0092 ready for Saturday build session @Emily AdamMar 5, 2022
Get status update on Ebox, battery mount and and E-stop @Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated)Mar 2, 2022

Weekly Targets

Differential Bar


  • @Emily Adam


  • Most of assembly finished this weekend


  • P0028 needs to be redone on waterjet - hole pattern is not aligned properly with mating feature

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

  • Redo P0028 (QTY: 4) @Emily Adam Mar 12, 2022

  • Assemble fully on Saturday build session @Emily Adam Mar 12, 2022



  • @Max Apitz-Grossman


  • Suspension assembly completed


  • N/A

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

Drivetrain - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Drivetrain - Known Issues

save for next meeting

Arm - Updates

Arm Integration

Axis 1

Axis 2

Axis 3

Axis 4

Axis 5/6

O-Drive Enclosures

IntegArm - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Arm Known Issues

Science Updates

Science Integration

Drill Bit Module

Dirt Read Head Module

Elevator Modules

Test Tube Module

Base Frame

Science - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Science - Known Issues

Electrical Box - Updates

Electrical Box - High Level Goals

Active Goals

End Effector - Updates

End Effector - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Gimbal/Vision - Updates

Wrist Camera

Gimbal/Vision - High Level Goals

Active Goals

LED Matrix - Updates

LED Matrix - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Battery Mount - Updates

Battery Mount - High Level Goals

Active Goals

E-Stop - Updates

E-Stop - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Comms - Updates

Comms - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Other Updates/New Tasks

  • This section is free form. Please feel free to add any other updates you would like.



Safety captain → Allen has secured the bag

Science →


LED Matrix →

Comms →