2021-12-21 Meeting Minutes - Term Wrap up


  • Discuss what went well this term and what did not

  • Discuss who will be lead(s) next term

  • Discuss action plan for next term (high level)

New Leads

  • @Max Apitz-Grossman: Primary Lead - over see everything mechanical

  • @Emily Adam: Secondary Lead - take charge of drive-train

  • @Austin Tailon Huang: Secondary Lead - take charge of Arm

Major Designs still required

  • Science

  • Ebox

  • Putting everything together

    • cleaning cad? - no idea how dirty it is - Austin


  • What went well:

    • Good attention to detail, in terms of always planning ahead (i.e. thinking about machinability while designing) 

    • Good initiative in thinking of better ways to do certain things

    • the way we ran meetings - separated by system

    • good retention/engagement of older members

  • What can be improved:

    • communication - let us know if you can make the meeting, let us know if you are using the 3D printer

    • Let us know if the work we’re assigning you is too much little. Would prefer to know off the bat if the timeline we’re setting for you is unrealistic

    • Let us know if your not making a deadline

    • Better not to skip steps. Ends up either costing you or being a pain later :P (like with naming and organizing parts)

    • Fill the mechanical channel with your questions whenever!!

    • lack of sub-system meetups (no general mech)

    • bad retention/engagement of newer members

Next term Goals

Short term

  • Machine everything

  • Assemble everything

  • SAR video

Long term

  • Test everything

  • Improve designs

  • Master machining

  • More members


ask farris for wiring diagram