2021-11-09 Meeting Minutes - Drivetrain Review w/ Ping
flip rocker and bogie end
take a look at the flexing of the top plate
10/15 kg arm on the plate may flex
add some clamps onto the carbon fiber rods
carbon fiber
make additional pieces to test and play around with
bigger factor of safety for carbon fiber
validate the carbon fiber
bond strength between carbon fiber and aluminum is variable
glass beads to fill the gap between epoxy and aluminum to prevent touching
avoid carbon fiber touching aluminum
strength testing on the instron on campus
google this to get some good data
bonding related to formula sae suspension arm
measure the carbon fiber tubes before manufacture
flip the bolt around in that block so it can be disassembled
chassis will react to the arm movement whole thing will wiggle with arm movement - be aware of that
pem nut some of the aluminum sheet metal parts - smaller detail
flanged hex blots to eliminate washers no need for socket heads - small detail
no issue boring that depth - boring bar, might not be able to bore in one go
do a circular cut out instead of a square slot
to get haas training you must go in with a CNC -reasonable part
need to refine some of the features
should add a step to make the expoxy joint concentric (see 4th link)
why have those plastic blocks - switch plastic to aluminum (make the block taller)
gap size depends on epoxy type - use
make the angle a whole number for ease of manufacture
spacer between bearings on the rocker arm - already on block
retaining compound for bearings
internal retaining rings if the bonding doesnt work, block will have to get wider and add a groove
change the bracket to slightly cover the bearing.
might be some slop in the bogie side
shoulder bolt on either side instead if it fits
side to side bending concern on bogie side - especially in turning - more concerned with the bond strength of the tube though
Differential Bar
ideally jamnuts if it can fit
might want to move forward the differential part mount position
weakest point is around the center of pivot
Wheel Integration
tap the aluminum piece
main machine shop has all the tools
round out corners of the carbon fiber tubes where the round goes to flat - needs internal radius
try the wheel hub ASAP to see if it works
more internal radii for the 3D printed stuff - against this
beef up the thing alot
really need to try the 3d printed thing - highly suspect
might want to adapt the OG wheel hubs
round out the square holes
fixture jig
steel plate that you clamp to- super heavy super stiff
drill and ream holes in the steel plates and use shoulder bolts everything needs to be perfectly flat
glue thing together then bolt onto the fixture
you can make out of plywood too
3M™ Scotch-Weld™ Epoxy Adhesive, DP420, black, 7.03 fl.oz. (200 ml)
Markforged Composite Materials
ethan’s special message to us: