2021-05-12 Meeting Minutes - UWRT/Taylor Nicholson
2021-05-12 Meeting Minutes - UWRT/Taylor Nicholson
Feedback on Hand Calculations
- Review your workspace - as your reach maximum vertical arm reach, make sure there is enough workspace left in your arm to ensure that when you interact with your highest object, you aren't approaching singularities and controls and still have enough mobility to move stuff
- Use solidworks to get some understanding of the link lengths required to interact with all objects in the workspace
- Aim to overengineer your first iteration, then refine designs with future iterations
- Robotic arms often have 7 DoF and not 6 to adjust walls in workspace
- When to apply safety factor doesn't really matter, but Taylor's recommendation is to calculate everything at nominal and apply SF to lump sum afterwards
- 1m/s^2 acceleration probably seems fine for end effector acceleration