2020-06-02 Meeting Minutes - General

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items


  • Finished SAR teams wheel hub spreadsheet
  • Brainstorm/sketch hub motor attachment


  • Figured out how to CAD chain attachment for science, started working in SW
  • Finish CAD chain attachment for science mechanism 
  • Weight of joints for 6-wheel design 
  • Figure out how to attach hub motor 
  • CAD based on Tony’s FBD (blocked by Tony)
  • Treads?


  • New science designs
  • Member training revisions (input welcome)
  • Science flap CAD
  • Drivetrain analysis (tony pls help)


  • Gimbal design (removed continuous roll, just normal roll
  • Motors (added some more columns)
  • Motor requirement specifics
  • Start looking into making a print of the gimbal
  • Sponsors



  • Drivetrain FBDs are finished
  • Performed wheel hub research; identified suitable tires for hub motor
  • Started reading unidirectional composite material properties
  • Sketch and CAD preliminary design for wheel hubs
  • Finish reading unidirectional composite material properties, estimate structural member sizes
  • Selected 1-2 hub motors matching torque requirements from FBD for testing
  • Define drivetrain constraints and requirements in system doc
  • Review completed drivetrain tickets and give feedback
  • Review mech work items and give feedback


  • Won’t be at meeting b/c of Korea


  • Won’t be at meeting - please suggest tasks!
