2020-10-27 Meeting Minutes - General

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items

Andrew T.

  • Added brake resistor mounting to odrive box
  • Clean up and finish odrive box cad (check box size, source appropriate standoffs, 3dprinted plugs)

Andrew Z.

  • Arm 
    • Instruction relayed on Tuesday, pm Tony when ready to review


  • Finished hell week, into another version of hell week 
  • Hub, PDR, Business
    • Business: Assun sponsorship email
    • Tony will provide details in pms



  • Printed gimbal parts shipped to Lance, Lance will be finding a way to get it to waterloo
  • Some motors maths for Melvin
    • linear actuator equations need editing. Unrealistic time so far
  • Proxy gimbal assembly
    • ordering the bearings (need the forms signed or stick them in an upcoming order)
    • Spaenaur orders (fasteners)
    • McMaster-Carr Orders (bearings)
  • Lin actuator motor maths
    • compare with Asha



  • Finish arm revision and draft machined components
  • Contact ASSUN and ask for sponsorship
    • Give Alaina details about what we need and who to contact.
  • Figure out  machining tasks list

Drivetrain work

  • Build Rev 2 of Drivetrain
  • Strain Energy Analysis of Wheel Assembly MOD-1
  • Plan out rest of project and distribute tasks


  • Review Daniel's fastener work
  • Send wrist shaft drawings to Rehnuma



  • Added metric fasteners to the common components library
    • Tony will review by Thursday at latest


  • Updated bicep with netzer encoder mount
    • Review Wednesday
  • Figure out what’s going on with turntable shaft 
  • Design encoder mount for shafts on claw


  • E box connector 
    • Review Wednesday
  • Strain Relief for antenna cords


  • Tripod for base station acquired
  • Base plate redesigned
  • Surface mount nut order pending
  • New main assembly for base station (minimal changes)
  • Go over design on later tonight
  • Team review of new base-plate design
  • Finalise bill of materials
  • Finalise additional parts to be purchased
  • Create manufacturing drawings for the new parts
  • Re organise base station folder? (really messy, files not following naming conventions main assembly mates are wack, outdated components)


  • Science camera mount design
  • Figure out when and how to access the bay and machine shop and machine the shaft.

Available Tasks


Assigned to

Gimbal assembly - in person

Base station Design

Ethan C.

Science machining/assembly - in person

E-box connector panel


Arm encoder mount design


Science camera mount design


Re-machining wrist shaft - in person
