2021-05-19 Meeting Minutes - Drivetrain


  • Go over prototyping results and decide what to do with new information
  • Discuss full-scale prototype plan - Emily
  • Begin selection of frame members
  • Begin discussion about connection design (member connections, motor hubs)
  • Start outlining CAD tasks
  • Discuss wheel selection
  • Continue motor calculations - Asha and Caleb

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items
  • New prototyping plan, resource investigation, etc
  • Connection hubs
  • Motor hubs
Asha and Caleb
  • Matlab + simulations
  • Carbon fiber sourcing

New Tasks

General Notes

  • Double bogie
    • Locking issue: change around the lengths, consider having the differential bar closer to the center
  • Triple bogie
    • Locking issue, have an optimal dimension for the linkages
  • Rocker bogie
    • Not as good with tall objects, overall very smooth

  • Take inspiration from arm team's prototyping plan
  • List of test criteria, what we're hoping to gain from prototyping