2020-05-09 Meeting Minutes - Gimbal Design Specs

Project Members

Nathan Allen, Cole Myers, Caleb Tsen-Tham, Alex Roman

System Definition

Aim camera towards desired direction and maintain pan, pitch, and roll orientation relative to inertial frame (ground). Gimbal must be able to continuously turn in the pan-axis indefinitely


  • General:
    • Durable, requires minimal to no maintenance
    • Small profile
    • Can rotate camera quickly to stabilize in real time
  • Specifics to Optimize:
    • Minimize Weight
    • Maximize Angular acceleration and speed of each of gimbal (within context of estimated rover’s maximum angular velocities)
    • Minimize Cost (re-use components)
    • Minimize manual manufacturing (3-d printed solutions preferred)
    • Minimize size


  • Must use USB 3 slip-ring on pan-axis to facilitate continuous rotation
  • Tilt, Roll axis must have sufficient torque to maintain angle at maximum moment arm lengths
  • Must be able to mount to horizontal beam used to mount antenna (current gimbal mounting points)


  • Fewer components preferred
  • Simple assembly preferred (adhesives, locking joints, friction welding preferred over fasteners)


Slip-ring drawing

3-axis gimal for reference

Linked gimbal is not servo driven, our gimbal needs to be driven by servos.

Design Possibilities

  1. Design name
    1. Concept description

*insert photo here*


  • Unique aspects of the design.




To Do

  • Pick Servo for roll (https://www.servocity.com/) (Nano, Micro, Sub-Micro | Analog Signal (PWM))
    • Max 5/6V, Check Torque Rating on BlackFly
  • Account for weight of BlackFly 

Servo sourcing link