
General Finance Resources

  • BEFORE making any purchases, you must read through the Instructions for Order sheet. This is to make sure that we have enough funding before any orders are placed - in order to protect team members and their money.

These files are also linked in the Instructions Sheet, but linked here for easy access:

What can I do with the Master Tracking Spreadsheet? 

  • See the status of your purchases 
  • Check the status of different funding we receive 
  • Update the status of your purchases

NOTE: The university is NOT processing any procurements as of Jan 9, 2022, and will not be for the foreseeable future. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Anna ( or on the Discord server) and she will be happy to help you with anything! 

Internal Sponsorship Deadlines (W2022)

  • EngSoc: VP of Finance will reach out end of Jan/Start of Feb with the needed details
  • SciSoc: Opens Jan 24-28, Closes around Feb 10th (TBD) 
  • MathSoc: Not applicable for this term. 
  • Dean's Funding: Not applicable for this term.