University of Waterloo Robotics Design Team Home

SAR 2023 Rover

Hi! Thanks for taking an interest in the University of Waterloo Robotics Team, we're excited to have you here!

The focus of our design team is to develop a custom remote operable robotic system comparable to the Perseverance/Curiosity rovers designed by NASA. Our team is extremely interdisciplinary so there’s plenty of work to do no matter what your interest is!

Our team is pretty informal and things are run differently depending on each sub-team's style, but in general a good first step is to get into contact with the sub-team lead of the respective sub-team you're thinking of joining. The current list of team leads can be found here:

The best way to get in contact with members on the team, as of now, is Discord! So please join the Discord server as that is where we currently host all our meetings.