2020-09-14 Meeting Minutes - Asha/Tony Timeline Planning
2020-09-14 Meeting Minutes - Asha/Tony Timeline Planning
- ESMS might be closed……….. Rip
- Asha needs to confirm
- Try to avoid the need to manufacture new stuff as much as possible
- Mostly managed by Caleb, all designed and he is assembling
- End of October
- Tony is taking over cause no more Cole or David
- Electrical is managing connectors
- Tony to design layout and opening/closing solution
- Someone to model in wires
- Oversee manufacturing of ebox
- Precision isn’t as necessary as I thought
- Magnet part capped, print a bunch of shaft extensions
- Need to design the shaft couplings/extension
- Need to design new mounting system
- Motor changes
- CAD motors need to be updated
- New 24V motors have same mounting probably
- Tony needs to verify new mounting system is the same
- Caleb working on claw hex key revision
- Check wrist to see if changes need to be made
- Buy a new lazy susan bearing
- Have encoder swap operation done end of September
- Have motors ordered end of September
- Final design stuff end of October
- End of October, have everything assembled mid-October
- Camera mount for blackfly, implemented end of October
- Wrist mounting plates deforming due to worm gears, check if the brackets are replaced
Base station
- Find a new tripod
- Temporary solution build something out of wood
- Ask sw/fw when they need it/ probably mid October
- Designed and ready for prototyping
- Ordering parts very soon
- Prototyping beginning as soon as bay access is available
- Ready for testing end of October depending on manufacturing capabilities