2021-02-23 Meeting Minutes - General


  • SAR Update
  • Project Updates
  • New tasks

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items
Asha ME, Emily A, Rehnuma T (Science)
  • Mechanism Built and ready for electrical. Good work everyone!

Jasmine M, Rehnuma T (Gimbal)
  • Fully Assembled!
    • Given to Mathieu

Mathieu H, Austin (Arm)
  • Assy completed by Mathieu, rover in the bay rn

Jasmine M, Austin (E-box)
  • Working on reducing assembly size, cleaning up the CAD and updating connectors

  • Drawings (except connector panel)
    • Goal: Order machining by monday

Ethan C, Rehnuma T (Battery)
  • Ordered some stuff from BOM

  • Need to procure a spot welder

Haseeb (LED board mount)
  • Planned and drew out the design
  • Can’t open the part in an assembly
  • Can open the part by itself (but still get an error)

Austin H (SAR Video)
  • Started working on revising last years script. Currently working on updating the information on mechanical, and will be contacting electrical and sw/fw to finish that up,

WEEF is coming up, any ideas as to what we need to buy? brainstorm!

Max (Custom wheel research, e-box)
  • link to doc
  • Nothing new yet
  • Designed and printed a hinge for the ebox lid (pretty good)

Emily, Medina, Elizabeth (Harmonic drive)
  • Continued research (suppliers and more technical details)

Ethan, Austin (CAD cleanup)


  • What is the business with the drivetrain folder
  • Everything clean except Arm, Battery, E-Box & Science.
    • Potentially clean up the top level documentation folder later
    • Remove ZED camera directly from science? (avoid cross folder dependencies)
  • NEW NAMING SCHEME should be considered
  • Arm clean up will start this week

New Tasks



SAR Video

Austin, Jasmine (after main e-box design done)

Force-sensing claws

Shreshth Mehra

Drivetrain revamp

Max Apitz-Grossman

Emily Adam

Andrew Tersigni

Andrew Zhang

Fixing 2021 CAD

Ethan Cronier

Harmonic drive

Emily Adam

Medina Colabrese

Elizabeth Jung


Ethan, Rehnuma, Austin

Custom wheel research



General Notes

SAR update

  • Rover mechanical assembly completed to a satisfactory degree for SAR! Good work everyone! It’s in the hands of electrical now.
  • Still Aiming to film the video on February 28
  • Continue to make video suggestions:


  • Good Luck on Midterms!