2020-05-12 Meeting Minutes - General

Update & Action Items

MemberUpdateAction Items


  • Compiled pics of CF drive trains from previous SAR videos
  • Compiled list of different types of aluminum fittings for connecting CF tubes
  • Did research to compare roll-wrapped v.s. pultruded tubes v.s. 6061 T-4 (for reference)
  • Contact teams about CF
  • Complete CF comparison spreadsheet
  • Compile list of potential CF sponsors


  • Drivetrain? Be more specific
  • Pros and Cons between Rocker-bogie v.s. Simple rocker design. Read some articles (plz link) and referenced old meeting minutes.
  • Pros and cons list for 4 vs 6-wheel designs 
  • Work on 1st order approximation FBD with Tony to compare simple rocker v.s. Rocker bogie.


  •  Fix science CAD (due May 20)


  • BLDC motor research


  • Started sourcing new 24V actuators for arm
  • Complete sourcing. Find sponsors with Lance’s help


  • Localization PCB Mounting
  • Needs introduction to project. Low priority project


  • Base Station? Be more specific
  • Find “tripod” or equivalent that can support 40kg
  • < $200
  • Can support weight distribution similar to our current design (subject to change)


  • CF research
  • 2020 chassis FBD,
  • Finish 6 wheel v.s. 4 wheel design comparison.
  • Investigate wheel hub design (see trello)
  • Read old chassis design doc
  • Fix non-science CAD (due May 20)

New Tasks

General Notes

  • Putting ANSYS on hold (Tony doesn't have bandwidth to support troubleshooting right now)
  • CAD is broken
    • Don't break it more
    • Tony and Asha are fixing
    • Due date: May 20 2020
  • Putting PDM on hold (keep using GrabCAD for now)
  • Version control good practice:
    • Add a brief note/message each time you push. 
    • Keep it general, with the subject of the note being the project you are working on, not specific parts.
    • Only push what you need to push (i.e. parts that you have intentionally changed, or Off The Shelf parts you are adding to grabcad)
  • Onboarded gimbal people