2022-03-15 Mechanical Meeting Minutes

Meeting Participants

Meeting Participants

@Max Apitz-Grossman


















General Announcements

  • Second hybrid meeting! Let’s see how this goes

  • Need to get everyone’s information in the member registry, and you guys need to sign it when you go to the bay next

  • Add yourselves to the participants list when you can

  • Please put tools back in their proper spots when your done!

  • Maybe no more hybrid meetings for now too chaotic w/o a proper room booked

    • Alt: speaker in the bay, people read off of their own laptops

Drivetrain - Updates

Drivetrain Integration


  • @Emily Adam




  • Minor parts need to get remade on gimbal plate and chassis

  • Issues with MR22-DT-A0030 assembly

Weekly Retrospect

Finish drivetrain assembly

Weekly Targets

Address all issues with A0030 assembly, have a plan of action by Mar 19, 2022


Wheel Connection


  • @Asha Mills Emmett


  • Didn’t start printing the hubs yet

    • wanted to make sure there’s enough clearance between wheel hub and bracket before mass printing

  • Printing tolerance hell → P0112 is too constrained in inner diameter and inner height

  • Bearing does not sit flush in P0106 → bearing height in CAD model is not accurate to the datasheet, P0108 constrained to heavily


  • Need wheel hub prints to finish wheel connection

  • Problems with P0106

Weekly Retrospect

Clean up CAD of wheel hubs → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 7, 2022
Do a verification print (in PETG) of the wheel hub set → @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 4, 2022
Print remaining wheel hubs → @Emily AdamMar 8, 2022
Assemble everything minus integration into the wheel hubs @Emily Adam or @Asha Mills Emmett , Mar 5, 2022
Bare minimum: finish motor and gearbox assembly for FW to test with @Emily AdamMar 5, 2022

Weekly Targets

Resolve issues with fitting the bearing into the assembly, assembling gearboxes to P0106
Assemble encoders onto gearboxes
At least one for Mar 16, 2022@Emily Adam
Finish motor mounting assembly @Emily Adam
Print spacers, P0287, P0288 @Asha Mills Emmett, Mar 19, 2022
Update wheel hubs to be for 1/4”-20 fasteners @Asha Mills Emmett
Modify and update the wheel hubs to accommodate new parts Mar 22, 2022



  • @Andrew Tersigni (Deactivated) @Chanpakorn Chaiklahan


  • Cleaned up the chassis folder


  • Waterjet plate on top of comms stand needs to get reworked and waterjet, current size is too large

Weekly Retrospect

(link previous weeks updates here)

Weekly Targets

Differential Bar


  • @Emily Adam


  • Machined new P0028’s



Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

  • Assemble fully next build session @Emily Adam Mar 22, 2022

  • Verify that assemble has no issues @Emily Adam Mar 15, 2022

  • Finish P0028 (tap remaining two holes, with RH thread for now) @Emily Adam



  • @Max Apitz-Grossman


  • Suspension assembly completed


  • N/A

Weekly Retrospect

Weekly Targets

Drivetrain - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Drivetrain - Known Issues

Arm - Updates

Arm Integration

Axis 1

Axis 2

Axis 3

Axis 4

Axis 5/6

O-Drive Enclosures

IntegArm - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Arm Known Issues

Science Updates

Science Integration

Drill Bit Module

Dirt Read Head Module

Elevator Modules

Test Tube Module

Base Frame

Science - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Science - Known Issues

Electrical Box - Updates

Electrical Box - High Level Goals

Active Goals

End Effector - Updates

End Effector - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Gimbal/Vision - Updates

Wrist Camera

Gimbal/Vision - High Level Goals

Active Goals

LED Matrix - Updates

LED Matrix - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Battery Mount - Updates

Battery Mount - High Level Goals

Active Goals

E-Stop - Updates

E-Stop - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Comms - Updates

Comms - High Level Goals

Active Goals

Other Updates

  • Please do not forget to do the member registration

  • Bay safety updates? @Allen Loukiantchenko


Roles to be assigned:

  • Science: Elevator Module

  • Science: Test Tube Module

  • Comms. verification + potential rework