
Weekly Updates


Main Project


Action Items


Main Project


Action Items

@Ari Wasch


  • Reviewed BMS layout

  • Reviewed PDB layout

  • Support getting boards ordered

@Yuchen Lin


Any update on comms research?

  • comm system research finished

  • uploaded to the confluence page

  • will visit the bay during reading week to figure out the current comm system

  • Make the current comm system working

@Farris Matar


  • Reviewed BMS & PDB layouts

  • Looked into variable power supplies

  • Finalize selection for variable power supplies

  • Assist @Rishith Bomman with getting PDB out for fab

@Ivan Lim


Any update on the Science document?


@Joshua Harper


  • bms components ordered

  • bms layout review changes complete

  • confirm bms layout is complete & get board ordered

@Logan Hartford

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • Met with @Yuchen Lin and went over his initial comms research

  • Worked with Austin and to borrow a 0-60V variable output power supply we can use to test the buck

  • Reviewed the PDB

  • Reviewed the BMS

  • Ordered

    • Themal glue

    • Thermal gun

    • Current sense resistor

  • Looked into getting us access to a conference room for meetings. Will need to coordinate with Austin on this.

  • I am away this weekend

  • Going to meet with @Paul Kokhanov and complete the buck testing over reading week

  • Going to meet with @Yuchen Lin over the reading week and get all of the comms equipment together to we can start treating a test plan

  • Put olivia in touch with Nico



Any Updates on the New Parts project? Any update on learning about the BMS?

  • Finished reading through the BMS documents

  • Did some more research on BMS in general

  • Do good on Midterms

  • Work with Wolfie

@Paul Kokhanov

Multiphase Buck Converter

Any update on assembly and testing of the buck?


Rayaan Mahmood


Any Updates on the New Parts project? Any update on learning about eh PDB?

  • Went over the PDB circuit

  • Had a call with @Farris Matar to ask questions about the PDB

  • Do good on Midterms

  • Work with Wolfie

@Rishith Bomman


Any update on the PDB layout?

  • Went through the layout comments


  • meet with @Farris Matar

  • Try and order the PDB friday.

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

Science & Support

Any updates on New Parts?

  • Reviewed the BMS and PDB

  • Selected new CAN transceiver



  • No Meeting on Oct 12, 2022 due to reading week. I may reach out to some of you to get updates on projects.

  • I will do a pole the week of Oct 19, 2022 to see if it is worth doing a meeting though I know a lot of you will be busy with midterms.

Active Projects:


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


@Rishith Bomman /

@Farris Matar / Rayaan

Oct 31, 2022

  • Order boards ASAP


Multiphase Buck

@Paul Kokhanov / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Testing over reading week.



@Joshua Harper / @Ari Wasch / Olivia

Oct 31, 2022

  • Order boards ASAP



@Yuchen Lin / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Find the comms hardware, reach out to old team members and continue doing research.




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the science boards and work with @Ivan Lim and @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) to ensure the board is ready for competition.

  • Found two assembled boards but none of the parts if @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) have any ideas please let me know. Otherwise we’ll just order more parts.

  • @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) Both of the assembled boards are missing a lot of parts, do the boards have a bunch of population options?




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the SPI LVDS boards.

  • Did not find any boards or parts for the peripheral boards

    • If anyone has any idea where these might be please let me know asap otherwise we will order new boards and parts.

  • Found only blank boards and assembled boards for the host boards

    • If anyone has any idea where the parts are please let me know asap or we will order new parts.




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the RS422 boards.

  • Found parts, boards and stencil, can start assembling immediately

  • Don’t know how many boards we have parts for but we can assembly what we can now and order more after.


New Parts

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) / Rayaan / Oliva

Nov 26, 2022

  • Is this ticket complete?