
Weekly Updates


Main Project


Action Items


Main Project


Action Items

@Ari Wasch


  • Helped assembly LVDS and science board

  • Met with @Abdul Haseeb to work on arm controller

  • Meet with Josh to start working on Rev 3 BMS

  • Support testing LVDS/Science

@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)



Any update on BLDC layout?




Any update on getting started with PDB?


@Farris Matar


  • Went in to test PDB:

    • 5V buck converter is bust - cannot reliably assemble buck IC (QFN package) without shorts, blew 2 ICs as a result. Due to stock shortages, this circuit will need to be completely redesigned in the next revision

    • 17V buck converter: Was able to turn the circuit on, but the output was just the same as the input. It turns out the feedback resistors were calculated wrong - this could allow the circuit to be reused in the next revision if the circuit works, only the ICs need to be salvaged as all the other parts can be replaced

  • Finish layout design review guide

  • Try to fix PDB 17V buck converter (requesting someone’s help with this as I won’t be able to go to the bay this week - please message me if you’re able to help)

  • Plan a call with Ethan to go over scope for new revision of PDB

@Ivan Lim


  • Science/LVDS assembly on Saturday and Monday

  • Test Science and LVDS

@Jason Gao


BLDC motor controller

Any update on BLDC?


@Joshua Harper


Any update with reviewing tutorials and documentation?

  • Meet with Ari to start working on Rev 3 BMS

@Logan Hartford

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • Met with Paul and got him started on the multiphase buck rev2

  • Finsihed the GitHub on boarding doc

  • Might not be able to make it to meeting tonight as I am on a work trip right now but I will try my best

  • I am avaiable this weekend to help out with stuff int the bay. If I don’t make it to meeting, PM me on discord.


Multiphase Buck Converter

Any update on getting started with the multiphase buck converter?


@Taylor Mcnabb


Update on test plan?


@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)


Any update on Science assembly and testing?



To Do (i.e. You’ve got nothing else to do this week so do one of these things):

Finish/test science assembly
Test RS422 board (Reach out to Jason for more information)
Finish/test SPI LVDS board
Find Rev 2 BMS and learn how to use 24V Lipo Battery charger
Anyone want to learn how the comms work?
PCB testing at 2pm on saturday