
MemberUpdateAction Items

  • Started BMS schematic

  • Debugged and started programming LED Controller
  • midterms
  • Update on Jetson Carrier board layout?
  • Update on design review for buck converter layouts?

Farris Matar 
  • Finished PDB schematic, double checking calculations before design review is put up tonight
  • Implement design review & begin layout for PDB
  • Comms testing this Saturday 
  • Update on Altium tutorials?
  • Update on science board?
  • Finished calculations and most of the part selection for the buck.
  • Working on schematic capture. Should be done this weekend.
  • Reviewed motor controller schematic
  • Comms testing this Saturday with Farris Matar 
  • RS422 breakout board for drivetrain encoders
  • Update on BLDC schematic?

  • Almost finalized requirements for rev 3 gimbal
  • Update on science board?