



Action Items



Action Items

@Aidan Gratton



@Ari Wasch

  • Finished going over feedback first bms layout ñ


@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)

  • Update on Jetson carrier layout (routing ethernet, high speed, buck converters)?


@Cindy Li (Deactivated)



@Farris Matar

  • Reviewed BMS layout

  • Helped @Taylor Mcnabb complete SPI LVDS Master layout

  • Decided on a battery charger

  • Altium responded about sponsorship - 12 designer licenses, PDN analyzer license, Concord Pro Server license

  • Look into upgrading Discord bot - may be a way to send a custom JSON so the bot messages are cleaner or provide better info

  • Wiring diagram

  • Final touchups on the PDB, order board this weekend

  • Purchase hot air reflow station & battery charger

@Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)



@Ivan Lim

  • Updated schematics to fit new mechanism - proximity sensor, blower, etc.

  • Implement level shifter for PWM lines

  • Find GPIO expander

  • Integrate use with Cytron brushed DC motor controllers

@Jason Gao

  • SPI LVDS - waiting on Taylor for finalized connector pinout (changed to facilitate layout)

  • Motor Controller - Driver + MOSFET selected. Finalizing some calculations, breakout board w/nucleo should be ready soon

  • Order RS422 components + BLDC controller driver + FETs

@Logan Hartford

  • Made a bunch of progress on the buck layout.

  • Have a meeting with Farris

@Taylor Mcnabb

  • SPI LVDS Master layout almost complete


Teodora Vujovic



@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

  • did ziltch

saturday choas party?