


Action Items

  • Update on RLS encoder odrive integration?

  • Calibrated PID for one joint

  • setup another motor's encoders
  • Order o Controller board
  • Get PID working for a second motor
  • Update on Jetson carrier layout?

  • No update this week
  • Sync up on electrical architecture / timeline
  • Debugged 1/2 buck converters, reworked the second one
  • Continue debugging buck converter
  • Select new antennas for comms system
  • Update on Arduino training board?

  • Update on BLDC motor controller?
  • Update on current sensing for drivetrain?
  • Update on implementation of Ari’s GUI?

  • Began work on 2022 gimbal schematic
  •  Need to confirm what the goals & improvements are for new board

Meeting Minutes:

Power architecture plan:

  • 48V battery or 2 24V batteries in series
  • 48V to drivetrain motors
  • 48V to 48-24 buck, which goes to arm motors
  • Batteries connect to PDB, PDB outputs 17V for Jetson, 5V for other boards

Remaining boards to be designed: