



Action Items



Action Items

@Aidan Gratton



@Ari Wasch

  • Picket FET

  • Update schematic

@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)

  • Update on BOM & out of stock parts for Jetson carrier?


@Cindy Li (Deactivated)



@Farris Matar

  • Planned assembly for comms, gimbal, electrical wiring, etc. on rover with mechanical

  • Not much progress on PDB layout

  • Continue PDB layout

  • Get new antennas to continue comms testing

@Ivan Lim

  • Schematic for LDO and status LED

  • Finish servo connectors on schematic

  • Start layout for science

@Jason Gao

  • Busy with final projects, not much progress

  • Can do more work more after this weekend

  • Start BLDC layout

  • Finish SPI LVDS breakout schematic

  • Continue RS422 Breakout layout

@Logan Hartford

  • Started layout

  • Finish layout this weekend

@Sahil Kale



@Taylor Mcnabb

  • Parts are all done for gimbal schematic

  • 3/5 sheets are complete

  • Need to finish connectors sheet & MCU sheet, then will be ready for 1st review

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

  • Update on Science board?