



Action Items



Action Items

@Aidan Gratton


  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Ari Wasch

  • Ordered BMS parts

  • Set up BMS layout design review

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)

  • Update on Jetson carrier & parts?

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Cindy Li (Deactivated)


  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Farris Matar

  • Contacted Altium about license sponsorship

  • Learn PDN this week with @Chealsie Bains (Deactivated), @Logan Hartford, and @Taylor Mcnabb

  • Work with Lance to review layer stackup & copper thickness & dielectric separators on PDB

  • Look into upgrading Discord bot - may be a way to send a custom JSON so the bot messages are cleaner or provide better info

  • Work with @Taylor Mcnabb once SPI breakout board layout started

  • Coordinate BLDC controller discussion for next week’s meeting or some alternate time

  • Coordinate with Anna to renew Altium sponsorship

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

  • Coordinate bay cleanup with other teams

@Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)

  • Update on wiring diagram?

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Ivan Lim

  • Update on science board?

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Jason Gao

  • SPI LVDS differential board split now into 1) master and 2) slave, will finish soon

  • Going to see if requirements can be narrowed and more formally decided for motor board

  • Draft requirements for the motor controller board pending BLDC controller discussion

@Logan Hartford

  • Need to make design review changes to layout

  • Waiting on a new Altium license.

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Taylor Mcnabb

  • Gimbal has been shelved

  • Taking over SPI breakout board layout once schematic is done

  • Review SPI board files

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

  • Update on science board?

  • Review @Jason Gao's RS422 layout