Weekly Updates
Member | Main Project | Update | Action Items |
@Ari Wasch | BMS |
@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated) | BLDC Solar | Any update on BLDC collaboration? | Â |
Ethan Romero | TBD** | Â | Â |
@Farris Matar | PDB/BMS | Any update on PDB/BMS performance testing? | Â |
@Ivan Lim | Science | Any update on Science assembly and testing? | Â |
@Jason Gao | RS422 BLDC motor controller | BLDC Layout 50% complete SPI LVDS Peripheral layout review | BLDC Layout RS422 testing once crimps arrive |
@Joshua Harper | Solar | Â | Â |
@Logan Hartford | Multiphase buck converter |
Paul Kokhanov | TBD** | Â | Â |
@Taylor Mcnabb | SPI LVDS | Any update on SPI LVDS host assembly? Any update on SPI LVDS peripheral layout? | Â |
@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) | Science | Any update on Science assembly and testing? | Â |
BMS and PDB are currently on hold until we decide on a new battery
What we can currently work on?
Custom Arm controller PCB?
PCB assembly and testing
Supporting firmware with ODrives and wiring the robot
PCB suggestions?
What happened to gimbal?
Solar may be related to BMS
New Members:
Bassel (Working on training) - Possibly BMS
Summer Projects
PDB - Layout, Splitting boards, and connecting via edge connectors - 1
Status LCD - 1
Solar panel charger - EE wide project - All - Josh
Firmware EE Integration