



Action Items



Action Items

@Aidan Gratton



@Ari Wasch

  • Finished final exams

  • Changed design slightly from feedback

  • Work with @Farris Matar to integrate BMS with PDB - get first revision done over this week

@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)


  • Grind out rest of the layout over next 2 weeks

  • Set up Digikey cart of Jetson parts

    • Use active BOM file in Altium & export an .xls file to Octopart to search for parts

@Cindy Li (Deactivated)


  • PDN analyzer tutorial

  • PDB layout review

@Farris Matar

  • Planned EBOX with Austin

  • Started wiring diagram

  • Hand off wiring diagram to Lance

  • Work with @Ari Wasch to integrate BMS layout with PDB

  • Learn PDN this week

  • Work with Lance to review layer stackup & copper thickness & dielectric separators on PDB

  • Find a Discord bot for EE git - notify for each commit

@Lance Bantoto (Deactivated)


  • Show how to use Altium viewer, Octopart w/ screen captures

  • Take over wiring diagram, work on it with @Ethan Cronier

  • Kitchener Arrow sponsorship for crimped wires

  • Send motor controller confluence page to @Jason Gao

@Ivan Lim

  • Science schematic nearly done

  • Complete science schematic and ready a design review

  • Start working on science layout

@Jason Gao

  • RS422 Breakout board layout complete, ready for design review

  • BLDC Motor controller layout in progress

  • SPI differential breakout schematic in progress

  • Learn about how motors - start with brushed motors

@Logan Hartford

  • Update on 48V-24V buck layout?

  • Learn PDN this week - coordinate with @Farris Matar

@Sahil Kale



@Taylor Mcnabb

  • Currently busy with last week of co-op, but working through design review comments (about halfway done)

  • Finish design review suggestions then move on to layout

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)



Meeting Minutes

Other notes:

  • Learn PDN (Power distribution network) - tool in Altium is PDN Analyzer

    • Learn with Lance, Kyle, Cindy

  • Learn about layer stackup

  • Make an Octopart account to make ordering carts of parts easier

  • Use Altium viewer app to avoid having to launch Altium to review layouts - no license needed!

@Ethan Cronier's to-do list:

  • Order a label printer (Brother/Zebra are good brands)

  • Thermal camera from Keysight - Eugene Li, plenty of labs on campus

COVID Contingency Plan

Equipment available:

  • Jank reflow oven

  • Hot air reflow station

  • Soldering iron

    • Need to take inventory of how many we have, get new soldering iron tips

Board assembly:

  • Qualified & available members: @Farris Matar, @Taylor Mcnabb, @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

  • Qualified members will assemble, other members will send boards/parts to them

Board testing:

  • PSU: Until Peter approves the 60V one, we won’t have one

  • E-load: Borrow from other teams, DIY one with power resistors, inductors, & caps