


Action Items



Action Items

@Aidan Gratton



@Ari Wasch

  • Mostly finished schematic on BMS

  • Meeting w/ Austin & Taylor tomorrow to discuss arm involvment


@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)

  • Update on Jetson layout?


@Cindy Li (Deactivated)



@Farris Matar

  • Worked on PDB layout, implementing schematic review feedback

  • Continue PDB layout

@Ivan Lim

  • Looked over science mechanism, began schematic footprints for sensors (finalized)

  • Continue working with Ethan, Austin and Wolfgang on Science

@Jason Gao

  • RS422 breakout board nearly done, design review will be ready soon

  • Prepare design review for RS422 & implement feedback

  • Look into starting to take over BLDC board

@Logan Hartford

  • Schematic is done, had to create a new library with the appropriate number of parameters.

  • Also had to replace resistors with ones of a more appropriate size

  • Just have to add a few more parts to the new library then it will be done

  • Finish adding parts to the library

  • Submit for design review

@Sahil Kale

  • Update on BLDC board?


@Taylor Mcnabb

  • Almost finished part selection, beginning schematic

  • Meeting w/ Austin & Ari tomorrow to discuss arm involvment

  • Continue work on schematic & meet for arm discussion

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

  • Update on science board?