
MemberUpdateAction Items

  • Contacted Wolfy about the battery

  • Helped Mech with current measurements for one motor
  • Pick out parts for BMS
  • Start schematics
  • Finished buck converter layout, doing a review with Tomas tomorrow
  • Starting Power Connector and JTAG Layout
  • Need someone to review buck converter layouts after tomorrow

Farris Matar 
  • Continued PDB Rev 3 schematic - reworked reverse polarity protection and 5V converter

  • Looking for multiphase buck ICs

  • Continue PDB schematic - finish errata from Rev 2
  • Select multiphase buck IC
  • Investigate 5V multiphase buck for PDB

Ivan Lim 

  • Notes complete on science and gimbal boards
  • Learn symbol & footprint design in Altium
  • Start going through Altium tutorials
Jason Gao 
  • Finished looking through GitHub schematics

Logan Hartford 
  • Finished looking at GitHub schematics 

  • Grinding on Schematic
  • Schematic review hopefully end of reading week
  • Waiting on update to REV 3 requirements

  • Battery selected