
Weekly Updates


Main Project


Action Items


Main Project


Action Items

@Ari Wasch



  • Met with Austin and Logan to discuss plans for the battery system

  • Met with Logan to discuss EE team tasking

  • Met with @Joshua Harper to get started with BMS

  • Support Science assembly

  • Help test PDB

@Chealsie Bains (Deactivated)



Any update on BLDC layout?

  • Started working on the BLDC layout with Jason

  • Continue work on the BLDC layout

Ethan Romero


Any update on getting started with PDB?

  • Get added to Atlassian so you can be tagged

@Farris Matar


  • Wrap up PDB testing this weekend

  • Work on a layout review template to complete the design review templates

@Ivan Lim


  • Placed components for 2 science boards

  • Reflow science boards

  • Create science test plan

  • Test science boards

@Jason Gao


BLDC motor controller

  • Handed BLDC layout over to chealsie

  • Go to the bay and test RS422 boards if the crimps are in.

@Joshua Harper


Any update on getting started with BMS?

  • Reviewing documentation

@Logan Hartford

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • Worked on the 2022 rover power budget

  • Met with Ari and Austin to discuss solutions to the battery problem.

  • Met with Ari to discuss projects and look around the bay for batteries and STM32’s

  • Reviewed the SPI Peripheral Layout

  • Worked on the GitHub On-Boarding page.

  • Update power budget with some new data from Austin

  • Finish the GitHub On-boarding document

  • Do we have a confluence page for how to create parts?

    • If not I’ll add it to my back burner to-do list

  • Support Paul on getting started with the multiphase buck

Paul Khokanov

Multiphase Buck Converter

Any update on getting started with the multiphase buck converter?

  • Try and meet with Logan this weekend

  • Get added to Atlassian so you can be tagged

@Taylor Mcnabb


  • Peripheral Board Layout finalized

  • Working on test plan for Host Board

  • Order peripheral board

  • Finish test plan for host board

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)


Any update on Science assembly and testing?



To Do (i.e. You’ve got nothing else to do this week so do one of these things):

Locate the boards and parts for the SPI LVDS Host Boards
Assemble SPI LVDS Host Boards as @Taylor Mcnabb is not in waterloo this term
Help assemble and test science
Help test current PDB
Saturday 12:00pm PDB/BLDC/Science/LVDS board assembly/testing party