
Weekly Updates


Main Project


Action Items


Main Project


Action Items

@Ari Wasch


  • Got in contact with NEU mars rover team

  • Go to NEU EE meeting tomorrow

David Choi


Any update on selecting a project? Any update on picking out some back up parts?

  • Finished training

  • Take on RS422 Testing

  • Lock in a buck converter replacment

@Farris Matar


  • Went over PDB test plan with @Rishith Bomman

  • Prepped hierarchical schematic design tutorial

  • Work with David Choi to get stuff for RS422 testing & work out a test plan

  • Look into SPI LVDS peripheral board parts & assembly, work out test plan for it after parts sorted out

@Joshua Harper


  • Fedex online tracking says order was delivered (BMS & PDB)

  • No progress on test plan

  • Will finish test plan this weekend

@Logan Hartford

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • Met with @Rayyan Mahmood to discuss the requirements for the current sense board

  • Reached out to other rover teams for help on comms

  • Reveiwed @Yuchen Lin 's comms research

  • Created a ticket for the current sense project

  • Look into LED matrix (will do this when we have the assembly weekend)


Muhammad Tanveer


Any update on selecting a project? Any update on picking out some back up parts?

  • Looking of BMS replacemnts

  • Interested in comms

  • Get up to speed to speed on comms\

  • Pick a BMS and order this weekend

@Olivia Markham (Deactivated)

BMS / DD Current Sense

  • Started research for the new current sense board


@Paul Kokhanov

Multiphase Buck Converter



@Rayyan Mahmood

PDB / DD Current Sense

Any update with learning about the PDB or researching the new current sense board?

  • Started research on current sense board

  • Work on specing out current sense board

@Rishith Bomman


Any update on the PDB test plan or shipping?

  • Finished test plan


@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

Science & Support



@Yuchen Lin


Any update on comms research and testing?

-listing out comms mech requirement

-figuring out our need on the groundstation and the rover comms

-learn to use ROS for comms

  • does ROS call the comms interface or it just upload the file

-listing out possible question for next week cross university meeting

  • Break down items

  • Look TCP/IP


  • Assembly weekend coming up soon (November 5th) – Will finalize the next meeting

    • If you want to learn how to bring up and assembly PCBs, this is a good opportunity

Active Projects:


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


@Rishith Bomman /

@Farris Matar / Rayaan

Oct 31, 2022

  • Boards ordered, tracking info with @Joshua Harper (order placed with BMS). Waiting on arrival to start assembly & test


Multiphase Buck

@Paul Kokhanov / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Tested over reading week, something is wrong, haven’t determined the root cause of the issue

  • Looking into off the shelf back ups to prevent delays in testing subsystems



@Joshua Harper / @Ari Wasch / Olivia

Oct 31, 2022

  • Boards and parts ordered



@Yuchen Lin / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Reasearch phase is nearly complete, working on testing system and reaching out to other teams for help




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the science boards and work with @Ivan Lim and @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) to ensure the board is ready for competition.

  • Found two assembled boards but none of the parts if @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) have any ideas please let me know. Otherwise we’ll just order more parts.

  • @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) Both of the assembled boards are missing a lot of parts, do the boards have a bunch of population options?




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the SPI LVDS boards.

  • Did not find any boards or parts for the peripheral boards

    • If anyone has any idea where these might be please let me know asap otherwise we will order new boards and parts.

  • Found only blank boards and assembled boards for the host boards

    • If anyone has any idea where the parts are please let me know asap or we will order new parts.




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the RS422 boards.

  • Found parts, boards and stencil, can start assembling immediately

  • Don’t know how many boards we have parts for but we can assembly what we can now and order more after.


LED Matrix


Feb 28, 2023

  • Need to verify the current state of the old LED matrix before this project can be greenlighted/scopped out


Digital Display Current Sense Board

@Olivia Markham (Deactivated) / @Rayyan Mahmood

Apr 30, 2023

  • Want to design a board which will be able to display the current output of the fixed output power supply