Current Sense Display

?Due Date: Aug 16, 2022

Contributor Log





@Rayyan Mahmood

Reseracher/ Hardware Designer




  • Research

  • Design planning

  • Hardware Design

  • Engineering Decision Making

Task Description

Research, design, build and test a PCB that is able to read the current output of the fixed output power supply and display it on a seven-segment display. The device should require no firmware or a one-time-only firmware installment.

  • Must be able to sense 0-40A of current at 48V, or even better, 0-48V.

Task Breakdown

Determine the scope of a project
Current Sense IC
7-Segment Driver?
Power distribution?
Get scope approved by @Farris Matar and/or @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) and/or @Logan Hartford and/or @Ari Wasch
Complete schematic capture
Schematic Review
Complete layout
Order the boards and parts
Create a test plan
Assemble the board
Test the board


  • Interest in learning hardware design

  • Interest in creating a device from scratch

Progress Journal

  • Oct 22, 2022 Ticket Created

  • Nov 12, 2022 Rough scope of project defined, part selection is underway

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