RS422 - Assemble and Test

Due Date: Nov 10, 2022

Contributor Log





@Jason Gao



Assemble & Test


  • SMD/PDB Assembly

  • Testing/Debugging

  • Soldering

Task Description

Test the currently built RS422 boards and verify that they work correctly and then assemble enough of them for a competition rover.

Task Breakdown

Find the RS422 boards and parts
Verify there are at least 3 blank boards left
Verify there are two fully assembled boards and one partially assembled board.
Probably attached to an Odrive somewhere
Need to test the RS422 boards we currently have
If we cant find them, then we will have to assemble a couple first
Need to finish assembling the partially assembled board
Order parts for 3 more boards will lot of extra passives
Assemble 3 more boards for backup
Verify that we have 6 working boards, 3 for competition and 3 for back up


  • Assign someone to the task

  • RS422 boards work

  • Have enough boards and parts

    • 10 boards were ordered

    • 2 were assembled

    • 1 was partially assembled (missing a terminating resistor)

  • RS422 boards are used for the drivetrain motor encoders, to my knowledge we only need 1 per Odrive, or 3 total.

Progress Journal

  • Sep 17, 2022 Ticket Created

  • Sep 21, 2022 Found blank boards, stencil, and parts. Don’t know how many boards are worth of parts. Did not find any assembled boards but they are probably attached to an Odrive somewhere

  • Nov 12, 2022 Boards were tested and verified by @Farris Matar. 3 boards were tested but one was fried during testing. We have two functional boards atm

  • Nov 19, 2022 Parts were ordered for 5 more boards

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