RS422 Testplan 02/16/2022
RS422 Testplan 02/16/2022
Check all required components are assembled and DNP components are not assembled
Verify components oriented correctly (polarity, pin 1 designators, etc.)
Verify there are no bridges between parts/pins creating unwanted shorts
Verify general soldering quality - no stray solder, burns, etc., all pins and pads connected with enough solder
Unpowered Tests
Verify power rails are not shorted to GND or with each other
Verify EN/RST/SHDN pins are not shorted to either GND or a power rail, unless it is supposed to be
Verify communication protocol lines (i.e. SDA & SCL for I2C, MISO MOSI SCLK & CS for SPI, etc.) are not shorted with each other, with a power rail, or GND
If any shorts are found, do not connect the board to a power supply. Locate and attempt to fix the cause of any shorts before continuing.
Basic Powered Tests
General Tests:
Power on board + touch test, verify components and the board itself does not get too hot
Probe power rails, verify correct voltage
Verify all ICs, components, LEDs, etc. are powered on successfully.
RS422 Receiver
With RMC35 encoder sending data with ODrive connected, check that initial signal readings seem accurate
Performance Tests
For A+-/B+-/Z+- differential signal inputs and A/B/Z single ended outputs,
HIGH voltage level
LOW voltage level
Receiver Output Delay times
, multiple selections available,
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