
Weekly Updates


Main Project


Action Items


Main Project


Action Items

@Ari Wasch


  • Met with @Logan Hartford and created tickets for projects and worked on some admin stuff

  • Reviewed BMS

  • Help @Joshua Harper with BMS

  • Add new members to confluence



Update on training? Have you been through the tutorials? Got alitum working?

  • submitted training for design review

  • started altium tutorials

  • altium tutorials

@Farris Matar


Any update on the PDB layout?


@Ivan Lim


Any update on the Science document?




Update on training? Have you been through the tutorials? Got alitum working?


@Joshua Harper


  • Worked on making changes to BMS schematic based on feedback received during design review

  • Finish schematic changes

  • Finish layout hopefully by Sep 28, 2022

  • Order BMS parts (or at least make sure they are available)

@Logan Hartford

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • @Paul Kokhanov confirmed the boards have arrived

  • Met with @Ari Wasch and created tickets for projects and worked on some admin stuff

  • Created additional project tickets

  • Created a new weekly meeting template to make tracking projects a bit easier

  • Try and locate the boards/parts for all the active projects and put them somewhere safe and easy to find

  • Schedule a time with @Paul Kokhanov to start working on assembling and testing the buck

  • Support new members in getting started with new projects

  • Create SPI LVDS test plans and ask @Jason Gao for help

  • Have a meeting with @Ari Wasch and go over leads tasks

  • Get a concrete plan to power a wheel



Any Updates? Have you been through the tutorials? Got alitum working?

  • Still watching altium tutorials

  • Watching some other introductory electrical videos


@Paul Kokhanov

Multiphase Buck Converter

  • Recieved all parts needed for assembly of PCB for multiphase Buck

  • Will meet with @Logan Hartford to start on assembly and testing of the board

Rayaan Mahmood


Update on training? Have you been through the tutorials? Got alitum working?

  • watched videos on circuits and components

  • did a bit of the altium tutorial

  • learn about the PDB

@Rishith Bomman


Any update on the PDB layout?

  • Finsished the 17 and 5V layout


  • Need to finish the rest of the layout Sep 28, 2022

@Taylor Mcnabb




@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated)

Science & Support

Any updates?

  • yelled at some kids on monday



  • New PM system for tracking project progress:

    • Anyone who is already on a project, please check out the corresponding ticket and add or make changes as necessary

    • Please briefly track future progress in the progress journal

  • Before assigning new tasks, does anyone on the HIGH priority projects feel they will need more help to make the deadline?

  • Any ideas for stuff we should buy? We need to spend our WEEF budget by November.

    • Spray bottle for IPA

    • Better wire strips

    • Buy some drawers for organizing active project parts


Active Projects:


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


Currently Assigned To


Due Date


Priority Level


@Rishith Bomman /

@Farris Matar / Rayaan

Oct 31, 2022

  • Need someone to do assembly and testing


Multiphase Buck

@Paul Kokhanov / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Boards have been received, some additional help may be needed for assembly and testing

  • Currently coordinating with @Paul Kokhanov to see when he is available to work on this



@Joshua Harper / @Ari Wasch / Olivia

Oct 31, 2022

  • Need someone to do assembly



billy / @Logan Hartford

Oct 31, 2022

  • Need one or two people to ow learning how the comms system works. We need to verify the current system works and produce documentation so this does not happened in the future.

  • Need to identify any failure points or anything we need to buy in the future




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the science boards and work with @Ivan Lim and @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) to ensure the board is ready for competition.

  • Found two assembled boards but none of the parts if @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) have any ideas please let me know. Otherwise we’ll just order more parts.

  • @Ivan Lim / @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) Both of the assembled boards are missing a lot of parts, do the boards have a bunch of population options?




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the SPI LVDS boards.

  • Did not find any boards or parts for the peripheral boards

    • If anyone has any idea where these might be please let me know asap otherwise we will order new boards and parts.

  • Found only blank boards and assembled boards for the host boards

    • If anyone has any idea where the parts are please let me know asap or we will order new parts.




Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own the assembly and testing of the RS422 boards.

  • Found parts, boards and stencil, can start assembling immediately

  • Don’t know how many boards we have parts for but we can assembly what we can now and order more after.


New Parts

@Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) / Rayaan / Oliva

Nov 26, 2022

  • Need one or two people to own finding a new CAN receiver and LED and work with @Wolfgang Windholtz (Deactivated) to add the parts to the UWRT schematic and footprint library


To-Do (i.e. You’ve got nothing else to do this week so do one of these things):

Send @Farris Matar your Altium email if you want a team license