
Altium PCB Design Tutorial with Tomas Chester, our sponsor/mentor on Thursday (tomorrow) at 10PM ET.

Altium PCB Design Tutorial
Thursday, September 9 · 10:00 – 11:15pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dxq-vast-hxj



Action Items

  • No updates
  • RLS encoder odrive integration
  • Created Arduino motor controller program for arm

  • Readable motor current values

  • Complete LED controller PCB design
  • Add PID to arm motors
  • Made some minor schematic changes such as m.2 m key connector and adding more documentation some pages
  • Continue Jetson carrier PCB design
  • Update on Jetson carrier?
  • Reviewed Ari's LED controller PCB
  • Assist with BLDC motor controller project
  • Student showcase
  • Finished assembling 48V-24V buck converter and worked on debugging
  • Reviewed Ari's LED controller PCB
  • Continue debugging buck converter
  • Select new antennas for comms system
  • Went to the bay Saturday to test the prototype arm and drivetrain
  • Assisted Taylor with 2022 Gimbal PCB
  • No updates
  • implement edits into Arduino training board
  • Teleop control complete for drivetrain
  • BLDC motor controller schematic in progress
  • Started 2022 gimbal schematic
  • Complete 2022 gimbal schematic
  • Reviewed Ari's LED controller PCB