
MemberUpdatesAction Items
  • Finally finished all the lectures for this term (yikes), haven't had time for robotics stuff 
  • Going to the bay to debug prototype motor current draw issue with Mathieu
  • Revised LED board based on feedback
  • Put LED board on GitHub
  • Complete LED controller schematic
  • Push library changes to Github
  • Create board layout
  • Worked on Jetson carrier schematic
  • Fix Jetson carrier missing footprints
  • Fix Jetson carrier schematic errors/warnings
  • Tested, fixed, and validated Arduino AEAT6012 encoder driver for prototype arm
  • Worked on Jetson carrier schematic
  • Fix Jetson carrier schematic errors/warnings
  • Assembled 1 and a half buck converter boards
  • Began testing buck converter, running into some problems
  • Exams (until next Thursday)
  • Assist Taylor McNabb with 48V-5V buck converter schematic capture (after exams)
  • Debug 48V-24V buck converter board (after exams)
  • Overhauled schematic and footprint libraries
  • Created new team schematic sheet templates
  • Clean up Jetson carrier schematic
  • Taught Taylor Mcnabb  how to SMD hand solder
  • Taught Farris Matar how to do hot air reflow soldering
  • Support Mathieu Harter (Deactivated) with wiring prototype arm (current sensors, encoders, motor controllers, motors, and Arduino)
  • Finish cleaning up Jetson carrier schematic
nsahu@uwaterloo.ca (Deactivated) 
  • Altium training:
    • Designed symbols for 28 pin and 32 pin microcontrollers for Arduino
    • Designed 1x6, 1x8, 1x10 headers for Arduino
  • Continue Altium training
  • Mathieu is writing arm Arduino code with support from me
  • CAN breakout rev 3 schematic/layout complete
  • Order CAN breakout board rev 3
Taylor Mcnabb 
  • Assembled 2 CAN breakout boards
  • Support Mathieu Harter (Deactivated) with wiring prototype arm (current sensors, encoders, motor controllers, motors, and Arduino)
  • Continue working on 48V-5V buck converter schematic capture

  • Ordered wires for prototypeing
  • Support Mathieu Harter (Deactivated) with wiring prototype arm (current sensors, encoders, motor controllers, motors, and Arduino
  • Assembled partially-assembled 48V-24V buck converter PCB Farris Matar started last weekend