Prescription Management
If you’re looking for a quick guide, please see Rx Prescription Cheat Sheet
Creating a New Prescription
Navigate to the EMR section in Accuro.
Switch to the Encounter Notes tab.
Within the Medical History band to the left side of the window, see Active Medications.
To create a new prescription, select the Add button (green plus).
Accuro provides you two options when searching for prescriptions:
Required Fields
Drug Use
Dosage OR SIG Instructions
Default Options
Default prescription options can be set in the prescription window by selecting the cogwheel.
Set prescription defaults per drug for:
Default drug use.
Default allow substitutions.
Default auto-expire.
Enable: Use patients' preferred pharmacy for renewals.
Enable: Include pharmacy on printed prescriptions.
Enable: Include pharmacy on faxed prescriptions.
Auto Expire
When auto expire is checked, prescriptions will automatically be removed from the Active Medications list when the patient runs out of the drug.
When auto expire is unchecked, prescriptions turn red and stay in the Active Medications list until a user manually checks the expiry.
For auto expire to work properly, the prescription requires the dosage section to be filled out.
Renew, Renew, Renew
Always renew when possible (this eliminates duplicate therapy interactions).
Select the Edit button (blue pencil) in Active Medications.
Highlight the prescription you want and select the Renew button (two blue arrows).
Click the gold star in the bottom-right corner of the Add Prescription window.
External Medications
Can be added with details or without.
You can save external medication entries as favorites.
Click the gold star when adding an external medication.
To view all current, recently active and historic medications navigate to the EMR area and switch to the Medications tab.
Right-click on a medication to:
Edit SIG
Change Pharmacy Instructions
Check Expiry
Print Prescription Summary
User Preferences
Go to: Accuro Start Menu > File > User Preferences > Display > EMR Workflow.
Some user specific settings that can be enabled are:
Checking for early prescription renewals.
Default prescription allow substitutions.
include prescriptions and allergies in VC search.
Show eye option for prescription dosages.
View warnings when applying preferred managements.
Include pharmacy on printed or faxed prescriptions. Pharmacy can be set on patient demographics as default.
Preferred Drug Interaction Management
Go to Accuro Start Menu > Tools > Preferred Prescription Managements.