Find Preferred Name and Pronouns

Find Preferred Name and Pronouns

Using someone’s preferred name and pronouns is vital to building a strong relationship.

In Accuro, we store each student’s legal name in the Last Name and First Name fields in the Patients area, and use the Preferred Name button (person with checkmark) to add a preferred name if the student has one.


In the example above, the student’s legal name is Clark Kent but would prefer to be referred to as Superman. To ensure we know this, an Alias has been created in Accuro to store this information and so that it is searchable. That way, if the student presents as their preferred name (Superman) and not their legal name (Clark), we can easily search for and find them in Accuro. Using the Preferred Name field also ensures that name is displayed throughout Accuro (e.g., in the Scheduler, on letters, etc.).

Note: More than one Alias can exist, but only the topmost one will appear in the Demographics Status Bar.

Where to find the Preferred Name and Pronouns

When a student is loaded in Accuro—either by searching for them in Patients or clicking on their appointment in the Scheduler—their information appears in the Demographics Status Bar at the top.


The legal name is provided beside Patient on the first line while the preferred name is shown in the brackets beside the first name (red box) as well as in Alias on the second line.

If the student has indicated a preferred name in Quest, Accuro will display that next to Q Pref Name.

Pronouns, if recorded in the Pronouns field, are on the second line as shown in the green box.