Index Ocean Registration Forms

Index Ocean Registration Forms

  1. Go to https://ocean.cognisantmd.com/login.do and login with your WatIAM and password.

  2. Once you've logged in, click the eRequests tab.

  3. Use the drop-down under the Filter field to limit the results to just Counselling Services or just Health Services.

  4. Click on the submission you wish to view.

  5. Click the Action button in the top-right and choose Download Referral Record.

  6. This will open the record as a PDF in a new tab.  Scroll down and make note of the Student ID number.

  7. Right-click on the PDF and choose Save As.

  8. In the window that opens, write the filename as ######## ???--University of Waterloo Campus Wellness-DATE.pdf where:

    1. ######## is the Student ID number,

    2. ??? is either Registration or Consent, depending on the type of submission it was, and

    3. DATE is entered automatically by Ocean.

  9. Navigate to the L: drive and save the file in the appropriate folder.

  10. Open Accuro and login.

  11. Open Documents.

  12. Select the patient and file the document.