Waitlisting Patients on Accuro
Adding to the Waitlist (CSRs and Intake Specialists Only)
A student can be added to the waitlist by:
Using the New Waitlist Request shortcut (where is this?).
Going into the Waitlist module in Accuro and clicking the New Booking Request button.
Ctrl + L – no matter where you are in Accuro, this will bring up the New Request window.
Complete relevant fields as outlined below and then press ADD to place the student on the appropriate waitlist.
Waitlist Field Details
If you were already on the student’s chart, their name will populate in the patient field.
If not, start typing the student's name (last name, first name).
This field will be used to select the waitlist you are putting the student on – e.g., Psychiatry, Psychology, Brief Counselling.
Consult Information Tab
Consult Priority
Psychiatry: Priority 1 (highest priority) to Priority 3 (lowest priority) assigned by triaging psychiatrist based on level of urgency and complexity.
Psychology: Priority 1 (highest priority) to Priority 3 (lowest priority) assigned by triaging psychologist based on level of urgency and complexity.
Brief Counselling: Reassignment if the student was already seeing a clinician, otherwise Standard.
Consult Type
Not currently being used.
Consult Status
The default status is Waiting. When a student is set to Waiting, they will show up in the relevant Waiting View. You can also select or update status from the following.
Those listed in italics are ones we do not currently use:
When an appointment is booked for a student on the waitlist, you will be prompted to choose to update the status to Booked.
If the status is set to Cancelled, you also need to fill out the Consult Refused Reason.
Consult Site
This field is only used for the Brief Counselling Waitlist, to indicate student faculty, if they are in residence, and if they are willing to see an intern.
AHS, Architecture, Arts, Co-Op, Digital Media, Engineering, Environment, Math, McMaster, Pharmacy, Science Residence Resident/Intern.
Referring Provider
This field will used to capture who referred the student to Psychiatry or Psychology.
For Brief Counselling, this will be the Intake Specialist.
Consult Refused Reason
If a student declines to be booked off the waitlist when they are contacted, indicate the reason they refused from the drop down list, or if there is no relevant option, select “See note” and add the reason in the Notes section.
In order for Accuro to be able to calculate the average wait time, we need to set the procedure.
This is the same field as the Provider (waitlist) you chose in step 1.
Click the green plus icon and select from the drop-down.
Waitlist Dates
Request Date: The request date field will automatically capture the date the student was added to the waitlist.
Booked Date: The date that the student was given an appointment.
First Consult: Once an appointment is booked, Accuro will update the First Consult Date based on the date of the first appointment.
There is a text box in the top-right corner.
This field can be used to capture any additional information that is relevant to the student but does not fit in the other fields.
Contact Attempts (Completion Information Tab)
Contact attempts can be document on the Completion Information tab.
For each contact attempt, check the box and use the text box to document pertinent details including the date of the attempted contact, and the method used.
Booking an Appointment for a Patient on the Wait List
Once you have identified the student you are going to schedule an appointment for from the Wait List:
Right-clicking on the student in the Wait List window and select Book Patient.
Create an appointment in the Scheduler (click timeslot, press Enter, then drag-and-drop or right-click and choose Create Appointment).
Fill in the Appointment Details, then press OK to save.
If the student has a Status of Waiting on a Wait List, the Wait List Requests window will appear prompting you to reconcile a request from the Wait List with the appointment.
Click to highlight the correct request and select First.
In the bottom-left of the Wait List Requests window, there is a Configure button available which will give you the option to have the Wait List Date drop-down default to have no selection, rather than defaulting to another option.
The student has the status associated with the Date you selected, and the corresponding date field has been populated with the date of the appointment.
This effectively removes the student from your Wait List.
Closing a Case
While students are removed form the Waiting status once their appointment is booked, they are still Active on the Wait List until their Case State is marked as Closed.
For now, this is done manually.