DHDR Access in Accuro

DHDR Access in Accuro

DHDR (Digital Health and Drug Repository) provides access to view a patient’s dispensed drug service records. It stores all data submitted from pharmacies and other EMRs. It represents a complete view of the patient’s medications where it is viewable in one accessible location within Accuro.

  • Lists all patients dispensed medications.

  • Provides a total view and better insight into the patient’s health.

  • Decreases the risk of medication errors.

  • Helps with medication reconciliation in the event of medication recalls.

  • Improves collaboration with other Providers who also access the DHDR.

 To run a DHDR medication summary search in Accuro:

  1. Click the Accuro bullseye and select Ontario EHR Services > DHDR Medication Summary

    • Alternatively, navigate to the EMR Section and select the Encounter Notes tab.

    • Click the blue clipboard button located in the Active Medication medical band. The Medications Summary window will open allowing access to DHDR.

  2. For detailed instructions on how to use it, please see QHR’s instructions here: https://qhrtech.my.site.com/community/s/article/Digital-Health-and-Drug-Repository-DHDR

To make this easier, you can add this as a shortcut or Action button in your Actions bar which will go directly into this DHDR window:

  1. Click the Accuro bullseye and choose File > User Preferences.

  2. Click Display.

  3. Click the Configure Actions tab.

  4. Uncheck Only Show Primary Actions.

  5. Use the Action Search field to search for DHDR.

  6. Click the DHDR Medication Summary option and then click the Add button to move it under Selections.

  7. Use the blue arrow buttons to rearrange your selections.

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  8. Click Apply then OK to close User Preferences.