External Referrals in Accuro
Please utilize our Referrals Team, they will take care of all your external referrals.
There are 2 methods for sending external referrals to the team, depending on the circumstances.
Option 1: The specific referral form needed is available in Accuro
Go to the EMR section.
Click the Encounter Notes tab.
Click the e-drawer (large drop-down in the centre containing all of the available Note Templates and Forms).
Use the Template Search field at the bottom to find the specific form you want.
Fill out the form then press OK to save it to the patient's chart (e.g., GRH Cancer Centre Referral).
Right-click the form in the chart and select Send Task…
Choose DL Referrals as the recipient, include any needed information, and then press OK to send.
The Referrals Team will fax the referral for you, track it, and communicate with you if there are any issues.
Option 2: The specific referral form needed is not available in Accuro or there is no specific referral location
Go to the EMR section.
Click the Encounter Notes tab.
Click the e-drawer (large drop-down in the centre containing all of the available Note Templates and Forms).
Select *Referral Letter.
Add any required information then click the Gen. Letter (Generate Letter) button. This will add the Campus Wellness Letterhead and your signature.
Add any attachments needed using the plus button under Attachments.
Click the Options button.
In the Note field, write where you want the referral to go (e.g., Pain clinic in Mississauga). You can expand the window to write more, if necessary.
Select the Priority.
Click OK.
Review your letter, then click the Add to Letter Queue button.
The Referrals Team will fax the referral for you, track it, and communicate with you if there are any issues.
If you forgot to add any information that the team needs to know about:
Right-click the Referral Letter that will now be in the patient's chart.
Select Send Task…
Choose DL Referrals as the recipient.
Add the missing information to the task and click OK to send it.