Sending, Responding, and Completing/Uncompleting Tasks in Accuro

Sending, Responding, and Completing/Uncompleting Tasks in Accuro

Sending Tasks

  1. Click the New Task button in either your Home section or your action bar.

  2. Select the Office that the recipient works out of using the Assign Task To dropdown, if necessary.

  3. Select the recipient(s). The yellow headers are Roles that are assigned when we create your Accuro accounts. Some users are in multiple Roles which include DL, which stands for Distribution List.
    When you select a yellow header (e.g., Accuro Support), the Task will be sent to everyone assigned to the Role listed beneath it. If you need to select multiple Roles/recipients, hold Ctrl on your keyboard and select.

    1. Please refer to the live document Task “Who Does What” Cheat Sheet on SharePoint: Sending Accuro Tasks - Who Does What Cheat Sheet.docx.
      Tip: Some users find it easier to track their Tasks by selecting themselves as one of the recipients – this will keep the Task in your inbox.

  4. Select the Task reason from the Task drop-down.

  5. Select the Task Priority.

    1. Normal = Black, bold font in the recipient's inbox.

    2. Urgent = Red, bold font in the recipient's inbox.

    3. Very Urgent = Red, bold font in the recipient's inbox AND if the recipient is online, they will receive an immediate pop-up, and if they’re offline, as soon as they sign into Accuro.

  6. Due Dates - setting due dates will hide the Task from the recipient if they don’t have the “All Tasks” filter turned on in their inbox until it’s due (some users have their filter set to “Overdue” Tasks only). Please be mindful of this, we don’t recommend using this feature unless you’re assigning the Task to yourself as a reminder for something.

  7. Write your message in the Note field.

  8. Press F12 or Fn+F12 on your keyboard to Timestamp *after* the contents of your message.

The importance of Timestamping:

  1. Identifies who is sending the Task or the response. This is extremely helpful when there’s an ongoing conversation between multiple users.

  2. Identifies when the user has sent the Task or the response. This is extremely helpful when there’s an ongoing conversation between multiple users.

  3. Assists with tracking/auditing purposes.

Q: Why should we timestamp after the message?

A: In any system, timestamps always follow the “event” or “action”.

Responding to Tasks

  1. In your Tasks folder in the Home section, double-click the Task to open it in the Edit Task window.

  2. Click your mouse right before the last message.

  3. Press Enter on your keyboard to reply *above* the latest message.

  4. Write your response.

  5. Press F12 or Fn+F12 to Timestamp after your message.

  6. Double-check that the recipient(s) are properly selected on the left-hand side, then press OK (if you want to keep the conversation in your inbox, select yourself too).

The importance of having the most recent message at the top of the Task:

  1. In the Home section, it shows a preview of the Task contents under the “Notes” column.  When we write a response at the top of the Task, it will show the preview of that message rather than the 1st message that was sent. This is extremely helpful when users have multiple Tasks in their inbox and/or they are waiting for a response to a Task that has multiple users assigned to it, including themselves. 

  2. Easier and faster to read, no need to scroll down to find a response.

Completing/Uncompleting Tasks

When there are multiple people working on a Task, it’s important to remember that the Completed function completes the Task for everyone involved.

If you accidentally complete a Task when someone else still needs to work on it, please Uncomplete it by:

  1. In the Home section, click the tiny plus icon next to Tasks to view the subfolders.

  2. Click the Completed subfolder.

  3. Locate the Task that was accidentally completed in the list.

  4. Right-click the Task and select Uncomplete.

  5. The Task will then return to the Task Inbox folder.