Add, Edit, and Create your own Actions Buttons

Add, Edit, and Create your own Actions Buttons

We can add, create, and customize our own Action buttons for our Action bar (another term for this is the “shortcut” bar). This can help make things easier for yourself when working in Accuro!

  1. Log into Accuro.

  2. Click the Accuro main menu (red bullseye in the lower-left corner).

  3. Click File then select User Preferences.


  4. Click the Display section then select the Configure Actions tab.


  5. Here you can see a list of preconfigured actions and a list of your current selections that are visible in your Action bar. Ensure to un-check the Only Show Primary Actions checkbox to see the full list of preconfigured actions available for us to choose from.


  6. Use the Action Search field to search for a specific Action or scroll through the list. Once you find one you want to add, select it, then click the Add button to move it to your Selections. You can also use the up and down arrows to move around your selections.

  7. Click Apply to save and click OK to close User Preferences once you are done.

You can make your Action buttons fun and unique!

  1. Click the Accuro main menu (red bullseye).

  2. Click File then select User Preferences.


  3. Click the Display section then select the Configure Actions tab.


  4. Under your Selections, select the Action you’d like to edit.

  5. Click the pencil button to edit.

  6. Click Change.

    (“Loading Images” will appear, it may take a few moments).

  7. Once the Icon Browser window opens, use the Icon Search field to find a specific icon or you can use the dropdown --All-- to browse the categories.

  8. Once you’re happy with your icon, you can choose the colour by clicking the colour picker (black box) next to the dropdown.

  9. Click OK to save.

If you find that you cannot locate an Action you’d like on your bar, you can attempt to create it!

  1. Click the Accuro main menu (red bullseye).

  2. Click File then select User Preferences.


  3. Click the Display section then select the Configure Actions tab.


  4. Click the green plus under Selections.

  5. Select a Custom Action type.

    1. Custom Form Action (action to open a specific type of form).

      1. Type in a Description for the action.

      2. Select the Form category.

      3. Select the desired form.

      4. Select an icon.

        1. Click Change to search for icons.

        2. Click the black box to change the colour.

      5. Click OK.


    2. Custom Lab Action (action to open a specific lab).

      1. Type in a Description for the action.

      2. Select the desired Lab Test.

        1. Click Change.

        2. Search for specific lab test.

      3. Select an icon.

        1. Click Change to search for icons.

        2. Click the black box to change the colour.

      4. Click OK.


    3. Custom Letter Action (action to open a specific letter template).

      1. Type in a Description for the action.

      2. Select the desired letter template in the drop-down.

      3. Select an icon.

        1. Click Change to search for icons.

        2. Click the black box to change the colour.

      4. Click OK.